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Showing posts from 2012

Jello Fruit Snacks

These are seriously easy and yummy! You need a jello mold or silicone mold, and the smaller the mold, the more quantity you'll get.   To start, you'll need: 1/3c. water 1 small (3 oz) package of your favorite flavor of J-E-L-L-O (we used lime) 2- 0.25 envelopes of unflavored gelatin 1 small sauce pan   1: measure water into sauce pan, and sprinkle all the gelatin on top of the water.   2: put the stove heat onto medium heat. 3: Stir until gelatin is completely dissolved. 4: When gelatin is ready, pour into mold. I used a silicone ice cube tray, and only filled up the bottom.   5: Let the mold sit for about 2 hours.  6: Gently pull the snacks out of the mold. Serve! They are slightly sticky, which can be remedied with a light dusting of cornstarch, or leaving them to dry out a bit overnight. She approves!

Easier than Apple Pie

As much as I love pie, I cannot make a pie crust to save my life.  I have tried and tried and tried, and have accepted I am just not destined to be pie baker.  So, I decided to come up with my version of an apple pie, and it's easy... easier than pie! how deLISH does this look! Easier than Apple Pie  Remember the Bunny Food  recipe that used carrot cake cake mix?  Well, since I had left overs of the mix, I decided to use it in this.  If you don't have or want to use a cake mix, just add an additional 1/2 c. of sugar and 1/2 c. of flour. Ingredients: 6 medium apples, peeled and thinly sliced (I used Gala and McIntosh apples) 1 c. carrot cake cake mix 2 c. flour 1 c. brown sugar 1 tsp. baking powder 1 tsp. salt 1 stick of melted butter 3 eggs 1 1/2 c. milk 1 Tbsp. Nutmeg, Cinnamon & Chinese Five Spice I have this lovely apple corer/peeler.  This amazing tool makes dealing with peeling and coring apples SO much easier.  True, it's not needed , but i

Carrot Cake Cheesecake Bars

My munchkin got excited when I asked her if she wanted to make Bunny Food.  Of course, she lit up and jumped up and down and said yes. "Bunny Food" is actually carrot cake cake mix cheesecake bars, and it's pretty amazing. YUMM-O! Carrot Cake Cheesecake Bars  Ingredients: 1 c. Nilla Wafer crumbs 3/4 c. Oats 6 tablespoons butter, melted 2-8oz. pkg of neufchatel cheese ¾ cup + 2 tablespoons granulated sugar, divided ½ cup carrot cake mix 2 eggs + 1 egg yolk ½ cup + 2 tablespoons milk (I used 1%.) 1 ½ teaspoons vanilla extract ¼ teaspoon salt I used this mix with carrots and raisins Directions: Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.  Grease a 9-inch square baking pan, then line with parchment paper; set aside. Stir together cookie crumbs, oats, 2 tablespoons granulated sugar, and the melted butter.  Press into the bottom of the prepared pan.  Bake until the crust is just brown around the edges, 8 to 10 minutes. Meanwhile, beat the

Homemade Dill Butter

This weekend, I was so excited to hang out with my tiny munchkin-girl. I wanted to take her to the local Easter Egg Hunt.  Well, at the last minute, I found out we had to pre-register and have tickets, blah, blah, blah... We weren't going. I was super bummed out, and I didn't want to let my sweet little one down.  So,  I came up with a few ideas to celebrate our easter. Munchkin's Dill Butter Munchkin's Easter Dill Butter  I had some heavy whipping cream, and decided that we would shake our way to some yummy homemade butter!  She seemed totally thrilled with the idea, and we chose to flavor our butter with freshly dried Dill from the herb garden last year. She was so excited! I poured a half a jar of cream, and a pinch of salt. I poured about 3/4 cups of cream in a larger container with about 1/4 tsp of salt for this mama to shake as well! She added her own Dill She had a blast shaking her cream into butter! Mama's fresh butter- she had

Fresh Ricotta Cheese

Yes, I did. I made fresh ricotta cheese.  I have been nostalgically craving the homemade goat cheese I would make when I was much younger.  I don't have the recipe, and I have no goat, so I scoured the internet, found a recipe that seemed familiar, and used whole milk and cream from my local grocer. I was SO excited to make this today, and it only takes minutes!  AND IT IS SOOOOO GOOD! SOO AMAZING!  Fresh Ricotta Cheese (for the record, I made 1/2 of the following recipe) Ingredients: 8 cups whole milk 1 cup heavy whipping cream 1/2 teaspoon salt 3 Tbsp lemon juice Directions: 1.  Prepare a sieve lined with fine mesh cheesecloth (I used a thin hand towel from IKEA) and place it over a large bowl, set aside.  2.  Into a large stockpot add milk, cream and salt and bring to a rolling boil. Stirring constantly.  3.  When it has reached a rolling boil add lemon juice, reduce heat and stir until mixture curdles.  adding the lemon juice CURDS!


This morning, I took the Broiled Grapefruit Slices from yesterday that we didn't eat, removed the rind, and tossed them in a bowl, crumbing Danish Blue Cheese over them. Literally- O.M.G. SO.GOOD. Iheartgrapefruit.

Broiled Grapefruit Slices

I LOVE  grapefruit. The smell, the taste- I am joyfully obsessed with this luscious, juicy fruit. I recently came across the idea to broil a grapefruit, and I immediately had to try it. I'm not one to flinch from brown sugar and butter, but I am  trying to promote healthier eating in my life, so I thought why not try a little experimenting? beautifully broiled Broiled Grapefruit Slices Healthy Style 1-2 Grapefruits (I used 1-Ruby Red, and 1-Marsh Grapefruit) Vanilla Powder Chinese Five Spice 1 pkg Stevia Sweetner After I set my oven on Broil,  and moved my oven rack to the closest position to the broiler... I started by cutting the fruit in half, and placed them in my lovely Emile Henry 9x9 square baking dish. Sprinkled on Vanilla Powder, Chinese Five Spice and Stevia I popped them into the oven under the broiler for 6 minutes. BEAUTIFUL!!!! And taste delicious, BUT...... I wanted to taste the spices on ALL of the g