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Frozen Yogurt Bites

Want an easy, healthy snack that takes literally minutes to prepare that even the kiddo's will enjoy? Look no further! Frozen Yogurt Bites What you need: wax paper  cookie sheet  1 single serving-size pkg of your favorite yogurt (I used lite blackberry)  1 ziploc sandwich bag  lite blackberry yogurt Step 1: Cut and line your cookie sheet with wax paper (splash drops of water on pan if paper won't stay) Step 2: Empty the yogurt cup into the ziploc baggie and seal Step 3: Snip a hole in a bottom corner Step 4: Dot your cookie sheet with yogurt!  You don't have to be fancy,  or put them in a straight line- unless you want to.  They're not going to change in height or size,  and they won't run into each other either, so your choice! Step 5: Pop them in the freezer... and WAAAAAIIIIIIIITTTTT !!!!! I know. Waiting is a pain. But, all if good time, you will see- it's worth the

Fresh Ricotta Cheese

Yes, I did. I made fresh ricotta cheese.  I have been nostalgically craving the homemade goat cheese I would make when I was much younger.  I don't have the recipe, and I have no goat, so I scoured the internet, found a recipe that seemed familiar, and used whole milk and cream from my local grocer. I was SO excited to make this today, and it only takes minutes!  AND IT IS SOOOOO GOOD! SOO AMAZING!  Fresh Ricotta Cheese (for the record, I made 1/2 of the following recipe) Ingredients: 8 cups whole milk 1 cup heavy whipping cream 1/2 teaspoon salt 3 Tbsp lemon juice Directions: 1.  Prepare a sieve lined with fine mesh cheesecloth (I used a thin hand towel from IKEA) and place it over a large bowl, set aside.  2.  Into a large stockpot add milk, cream and salt and bring to a rolling boil. Stirring constantly.  3.  When it has reached a rolling boil add lemon juice, reduce heat and stir until mixture curdles.  adding the lemon juice CURDS!

Homemade Dill Butter

This weekend, I was so excited to hang out with my tiny munchkin-girl. I wanted to take her to the local Easter Egg Hunt.  Well, at the last minute, I found out we had to pre-register and have tickets, blah, blah, blah... We weren't going. I was super bummed out, and I didn't want to let my sweet little one down.  So,  I came up with a few ideas to celebrate our easter. Munchkin's Dill Butter Munchkin's Easter Dill Butter  I had some heavy whipping cream, and decided that we would shake our way to some yummy homemade butter!  She seemed totally thrilled with the idea, and we chose to flavor our butter with freshly dried Dill from the herb garden last year. She was so excited! I poured a half a jar of cream, and a pinch of salt. I poured about 3/4 cups of cream in a larger container with about 1/4 tsp of salt for this mama to shake as well! She added her own Dill She had a blast shaking her cream into butter! Mama's fresh butter- she had