Yes, I did. I made fresh ricotta cheese. I have been nostalgically craving the homemade goat cheese I would make when I was much younger. I don't have the recipe, and I have no goat, so I scoured the internet, found a recipe that seemed familiar, and used whole milk and cream from my local grocer. I was SO excited to make this today, and it only takes minutes! AND IT IS SOOOOO GOOD! SOO AMAZING! Fresh Ricotta Cheese (for the record, I made 1/2 of the following recipe) Ingredients: 8 cups whole milk 1 cup heavy whipping cream 1/2 teaspoon salt 3 Tbsp lemon juice Directions: 1. Prepare a sieve lined with fine mesh cheesecloth (I used a thin hand towel from IKEA) and place it over a large bowl, set aside. 2. Into a large stockpot add milk, cream and salt and bring to a rolling boil. Stirring constantly. 3. When it has reached a rolling boil add lemon juice, reduce heat and stir until mixture curdle...